
…and the living is BUSY.  While students are away, campus both buzzes with summer programs and undergoes some major improvements.  Media Lab construction, new roof on the Student Activities building, remodel of the Wyman Commons entry, and general sprucing are all happening at once.

A new multipurpose greenhouse will be  build just between Thomashow Learning Labs and the Quimby Library in late summer.  This space will serve as much needed seedling space for Veggies For All, a teaching and learning space for the Sustainable Agriculture degree program, and a semi-indoor space for students of all programs to study plants or soils or solar gain, etc.  This building will fill the role of, and definitely improve on, the “old hoophouse” (pictured at the bottom of this link) which was used for similar purposes.  If you want to see just what a HUGE improvement this new building will be, take a look at alum Holli Cederholm‘s 2007 article in the MOF&G, here.  Stay tuned for progress reports on the greenhouse as it goes up and fills up.

Students, we are SO excited for you to be get back and see the improvements to your campus- but we’re also glad we’ve got a few more weeks to button up projects before you arrive.

Here’s a Sustainability Office perspective on summertime improvements and happenings.

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